The Taieri Network
Jul 11, 2023
Teresa Christie
The Taieri Network
Taieri Network is a place-based community organisation with the aim of supporting, connecting, and caring for the Taieri community. Taieri Network is a charitable trust and is funded by DCC and grants from Lotteries so that we can carry out our mahi (work). We are relatively new (formed in 2022) but are the collaboration of multiple groups on the Taieri coming together for the great good. Taieri Network area is Wingatui, Kinmont, Mosgiel, Outram, Allanton, Waipori Falls, Henley, and North Taieri, and all the spaces/places in between.
Teresa will talk about what are place-based community networks. What is Taieri Network's vision. How do we engage with the community? What are the outcomes of community engagement?